Thursday 19 April 2012


Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor's degree.

At the start of his scientific work, Einstein realized the inadequacies of Newtonian mechanics and his special theory of relativity stemmed from an attempt to reconcile the laws of mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. He dealt with classical problems of statistical mechanics and problems in which they were merged with quantum theory: this led to an explanation of the Brownian movement of molecules. He investigated the thermal properties of light with a low radiation density and his observations laid the foundation of the photon theory of light.

In the 1920's, Einstein embarked on the construction of unified field theories, although he continued to work on the probabilistic interpretation of quantum theory, and he persevered with this work in America. He contributed to statistical mechanics by his development of the quantum theory of a monatomic gas and he has also accomplished valuable work in connection with atomic transition probabilities and relativistic cosmology.

Einstein's gifts inevitably resulted in his dwelling much in intellectual solitude and, for relaxation, music played an important part in his life. He married Mileva Maric in 1903 and they had a daughter and two sons; their marriage was dissolved in 1919 and in the same year he married his cousin, Elsa Löwenthal, who died in 1936. He died on April 18, 1955 at Princeton, New Jersey.

Thank you :)


This is a story of a music prodigy. Lyla is a renowned and beautiful cellist and Louis is a guitar player and vocalist at a club. Lyla and Louis fall in love once they meet each other following the music. Since they have different lives, they have to separate without seeing each other again. However, Lyla has had their baby - Evan, a prodigy born to music. Lyla has an accident and bears the baby but Lyla's father gives the baby to an orphanage without telling her, for fear of affecting her career. After that, both Louis and Lyla give up their music careers. 

Eleven years later, poor little Evan believes that his parents are waiting for him and goes to New York to find them. In New York, his musical gift leads him to success but also gives him some trouble. A monger uses Evan to make money and prevents him from achieving success. He escapes and runs into a church and people there are surprised by his gift and send him to the best music school, Juilliard. There he receives an education where his genius is recognized, and he creates his composition - August Rhapsody in C major. 

Evan perfect performance, Evan is granted an opportunity to play his music in Central Park in front of thousands of people. There are three composers featured, of which he is the last; his mother is the cellist in the preceding performance. As Evan is conducting the orchestra in his rhapsody, Lyla and Louis come to the concert following the music again. The family finally get together.

The prisoners - Evan

The Chains - Walden County

The fire - The monger, Maxwell Wallace

The shadows and the images - Evan's parents

The puppet players - Music

The old man - Mr. Jefferies


the picture of a prisoner who being prison in the cave where they can't move their whole body accept their eyes who only sees the shadows cast on the wall.

Human beings sit in a cave, in chains, their backs to the entrance. The shadows of things moving outside are projected by the light onto an inner wall of the cave. As the prisoners have never been outside the cave since birth, they believe these shadows are reality. One of them succeeds in freeing himself and walks outside into the light. He realizes that he has lived his whole life in the shadow of an illusion. Delighted by his discovery, he returns to the cave to communicate it to the others. Violence erupts between the one who ventured outside and those who do not want to understand. The story ends with the death of the person that had gained insight into reality.

In this story, the prisoners can't barely move their body, they have been chained on their legs and their necks which prevented them to turning their heads around. They just can see the shadows which are projected by the fire behind their back. The only thing that they can see is only the puppet player who made from the wood and presented by the image of men and animals. The prisoner had been in the caves for years and for them, the image are real.

One day, there is one old man, free one of the prisoners because of sympathy of their condition. Immediately, the prisoner turn around to look at the source of the light, at first, the prisoner's eyes hurts as he just look at the shadows that projected by the fire for years. The old man spokes to the prisoners that the puppet player is actually is just an illusion. The Prisoners still insist that the puppet players exist because the shadows are much truer than the statue. 

Thinking folly, is an article written by the famous person, Eckhart Tolle, also have his own channel called Eckhart TV, and many other things.  This article is piece of writing that exposes how the manners of thinking touch the quality of people’s attitude. The extract by Eckhart Tolle also highlighted some magnitudes of creative thinking and what kind of barriers or grounds that seizes in our minds. Everyone lives in a state of ostensible detach in complicated world of divergence and dilemmas. When people think, an opaque screen of concepts would be created which means that the illusion of separateness between people themselves would be exist. Thus, all the judgments, labels and words that block the true relationship will be divided into few bonds. They are people and themselves, people and nature, and people and God. Mind is just like a survival machine. It does a lot of things such analyzing, storing, gathering information and attack or defense again another minds.  He wrote that the thinker, which he meant all of us humans live in a separate world and apparently not as friendly as we may assume because our thinking is filled with insanely complex world of continuous conflict and problems like an infinite twilight zone and represent the ever increasing fragmentation of the mind. I would say that Tolle is right because as a thinker, making a decision and being indecisive is always a part of our mind venturing into the unknown. 

According to the figure as shown in the excerpt “Thinking Folly”, Albert Einstein posed himself by sticking out his tongue towards the camera. This picture is showing that he was trying to portray himself as an astute clown which means the smart “ass” clown. Although he often used a sense of humor during his pose or his conversation, yet he stills a genius. For example : 

Albert Einstein posing himself as he sticking out his tongue.

Einstein himself was trying to highlight that fun and plays are a part of creative mind thinking. Creative is said to come in a still mind and can be achieve in a quiet state of mind. So if you’re a heavy thinker, STOP it because you’re losing all your creativity! Though said, the mind carries a freedom that one can’t stop and having realized you are not on your on shadow make you wake up from the deep mind slumber. Typically, when people did not think sensibly in any matter of problems or situations, they will become the toil of their psyche all at once.Therefore, I sure enough to support and agree wtih Eckhart Tolle based on his excerpt, "Thinking Folly".

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Julius Caesar was known as a politician in Rome. Besides that, he is one of the greatest general of all time during his era in the late Roman republic. He had making himself as a dictator of Rome when he extended the Roman Empire before seizing the power and paving the way for the imperial system. 

During his time, he is the master of Rome and made himself consul and dictator. With his power, he had carry out much-needed reform, relieving dept, enlarging the senate, building the Forum Iulium and revising the calendar. He did not make himself as a leader but he presented himself as a dictator and dictatorship always regard a temporary position but in 44BC, Caesar took it for life. the success and the ambition alienated the strongly republican senators. 

Caesar at time were very powerful man during that time. All of senators were afraid of his power and plan to assassinate Caesar. This plan were led by Cassius and his own step-son, Brutus. At first, they have a press and invited Caesar to discuss it. Casca was the one who volunteered to speak and talk about the civil war when they tried to persuade Caesar to bring back the relatives who had been banished from Rome with full pardon and citizen. Caesar refused to bring back to Rome when he said that they are traitors. Suddenly Cassius spoke, " Now Casca! Now! Do it now!". Then Casca stabs Caesar followed by all the conspirators except Brutus. Than after they finished stab Caesar, Brutus came and stab Caesar. That time, Caesar were shocked and said "Et tu Brute" which mean "you too Brutus" and then Caser died. The reason why Brutus killed his own step father, Caesar, just because he was ambitious. AMBITIOUS ? AMBITIOUS?





Monday 16 April 2012


Jack The Ripper, serial killer who his case is one of the unsolved case in the 1888 until now. This serial killer was active in impoverished areas in and around the White-chapel district of London. The name "Jack The Ripper" was named in the letter called "from hell" claiming that the name of him is the murderer and his action were spread to the media during that time. There are other nick name for Jack which is "The White-Chapel murderer" and "Leather Apron".

Jack murder mostly was involved with the prostitute in the White-Chapel. why did he get the name "The Ripper"? This is because his killing style is cut the throats of the prostitute and continue to the abdominal mutilations. First, Jack cut the throats, rip off their abdominal mutilations following by removing the organs, It starts with three of his victims and from that, the police assumed that Jack possessed anatomical or surgical knowledge. Rumors believe that the killing activities were connected intensified in September and October 1888. One of the reason why Jack The Ripper got his name is because his extraordinarily brutal character of murders, and the media treatment of the events, the public came to believe that "Jack The Ripper" is the suitable name.

An investigation of all the killings in White-Chapel was unable to connect in 1891 to the killings in 1888. As the result, the case were unsolved. By that time, over one hundred theories about the identity of Jack The Ripper and by that theories, there are 26 suspects and most believe that there are more of them. This are the 5 most suspected person who believed they are the Jack The Ripper. 
  1. John Pizer
  2. William Henry Bury
  3. Thomas Neil Cream
  4. James Kelly
  5. Walter Sickert
But based on the background of the suspect, all of them are not Jack The Ripper. In the end, the case were never solved at that time and until now. Even with our modern technology, all of the experts still can not trace who is Jack The Ripper.


Socrates, one of the educated person in 469BC - 399BC. He was known as classical Greek Athenian philosopher. At the same time, he was credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. Socrates is a classical writers especially the writings of his students, Plato and Xenophon. Many claim that Plato's dialogue are the most comprehensive accounts of Socrates to survive from antiquity.

On the other hand, Socrates has become renowned for his contribution to the field of ethics and also lend his name to the concept of Socratic irony and Socratic method. The latter remains a used tool in a wide range of discussions in which not to only draw individual answers, but also encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand.

This Socratic method is largely applied to the examination of key moral concepts such as good and justice. In this method, the main issue is to solve a problem, it would be broken down into series of questions, the answers to which gradually distill the answers gradually distill the answer the answer a person would seek.

Socrates is a well known philosopher as during his time and his method still using in our daily life especially for the students to solve a problem or to criticize something. Without this method, it is difficult for us to solve a problem. That is why Socrates create this method so that it is easy for us to solve the problem.


Wednesday 21 March 2012

Based on my previous blog, i had explain about the rule of 10 but until rule number four. Continue from the previous one, i will explain to you about the rule number five until the rule number ten. The rule is Rhetorical Function, Purpose, Perspective, Positioning, Impact and Visual Literacy. This rule seems to look simple but if you can not understand it, you can not manage to do a better research for the future. 

  • RHETORICAL FUNCTION - In this rule, we must assign a particular verb. For example, we need to criticize, to educate, to inform and to reflect. Besides that, we need to identify what is the article/film review is all about.
  • PURPOSE - purpose is a combination of different elements which is simple sentences and complex sentences. instead of that, we must do it in 1 complex sentence and definite position on the subject.
  • PERSPECTIVE - In perspective, it is important to do this 2 things which is discourse analysis and elementary process. Every good argument must end with conclusion. there are two aspects which is identify the possible propositions and cite evidence from the text.
  • POSITIONING - this must be refer to the text in the article. the fact in the article but must paraphrase it so that it will not be as plagiarize.
  • IMPACT - The impact must be in 3 different thing which for the youth, general citizen, politician, etc. The impact can be positive and negative. besides, you must revisit your audience. 
  • VISUAL LITERACY - We must visual the picture in the article. the first step is paraphrase the caption of the picture. Then, relate the caption to the subject occur. Lastly, describe the picture on what are it explain about.

Friday 10 February 2012


We all know about Adolf Hitler and the Jews. The cruelty shows by the great leader, Adolf Hitler to the Jews was one of the kind. The whole world were shock by Hitler's action. "Kill them all! even the mother, child, son or daughter, everything!", that was he said to his soldier or known as The Nazi. 


Adolf Hitler is a great leader of all time. In 1934, he has rule all over the German. he is now has a full power to do anything. in April 1994, Hitler make his move by make anti-Semitic rhetoric helped the Nazis get elected, now they had the power to put some of their ideas into action. Jews were banished from government jobs, a quota was established banning Jews from university, and a boycott of Jewish shops enacted.

Intermarriage was outlawed, more professions were closed to Jews, shops displayed signs reading, "No Jews Allowed." Harassment was common.In another attempt to purge Germany of her Jews, a roundup of Jews with Polish citizenship was enacted in October 1938. These Polish Jews were herded like cattle and dumped at the Polish border, where the Poles kept them in no-man's land. When he heard of the torments his parents went through, he resolved to avenge them and shot a German official, vom Rath, stationed in Paris. This small rebellion was a perfect opportunity for Adolf Hitler and his henchmen to rise up in indignation. The Nazis called for demonstrations, and violence erupted across Germany for two days. Stores were destroyed, synagogues burned, and twenty thousand Jews arrested. 

Adolf Hitler had always been straightforward about his plans for the Jews. His dream of a racially "pure" empire would tolerate no Jews. He announced at different occasions the "annihilation of the Jews" living in the territory under his control. With these statements Hitler threatened to use the Jews as hostages to prevent the Western powers from intervening on the continent.

Hitler avoided giving a clear written order to exterminate Jewish civilians. He avoided speaking openly about killing in his entourage. However, there is clear evidence that he was deeply involved in the anti-Jewish policy during the war, particularly when it reached a murderous stage. In general, Hitler's comments on the Jewish question reveal his essential commitment to radicalise persecution to the extreme.

" i left certain of the Jews alive so that all of you will know their true attitude and you will know why i kill them" - ADOLF HITLER

Tuesday 31 January 2012



In our subject, Critical Literacy, COM 2533, we have learned about the rule of 10. We used this term in film review, read an article, and so on. there are 10 different types of rule that we must do in order to be more specific in doing research for example film review, article, etc. 

List of the rule of 10 : 
  1. topic
  2. content
  3. source
  4. audience
  5. rhetorical function
  6. purpose
  7. perspective
  8. positioning
  9. impact
  10. visual literacy
This rule is very important and you must add this when you are doing some research. I will explain the 4 rule which is the topic, content, source and audience.

  • THE TOPIC - we must done this first in order to fine another type of rule. in this rule, first we must include the genre (if you making a research on film review), for example if the film is about comedy, so the genre will be comedy. Then, we must introducing the subject which tells the whole story is about. after that, we also must definite position on the subject.
  • THE CONTENT - we tell the summary of the whole story. Usually, we used synopsis method which means the highlighted the point. Besides that, we can used the thematic method which are the overview of the main idea. 
  • THE SOURCE - we have 3 options in writing the source which is the work, the author and the subject matter. first, the work which is you write about the bigger or the larger work of the film, you write about the story it self. Then, the author, we can write about the background of the author which are the creator of the film, article. Lastly, we can used the subject matter. for example, in the Jeff Goodell article, Jeff Goodell write about Steve Jobs. the subject matter in the article is about Steve Jobs.
  • THE AUDIENCE - the meaning of the audience is the two interaction between two people which are the sender and the receiver. we have 3 different types of audience which are the youth, the citizens and the politicians. 

Later, i will explain again another 6 rule in the rule of 10. Remember, please do this rule in order to do some research.

COM 2533

Monday 30 January 2012


He is the man that keep human and technology getting in touch in advanced. he is the man that create new technology that make us more understandable. well you who is he, Steve jobs, the man who creates Apple design technology these days. he is a co-founded Apple Computers with Stephen Wozniak. Under his guidance, the company pioneered a series of revolutionary technologies including the iPhone and iPad. for the people, we only knew only a good thing about him, but not the opposite. Only a few people known him very well with his attitude.

The workers of him tells that his attitude is far more worst as he always struck by his abrasively personality, his unapologetic brutality. the attitude shows is he will screamed, he cried, he stomped his feet. the cruelty that make their workers get out from the company when he driving all the employees to the breaking point and tossing them aside. When Apple ascended, Jobs were completely changed when his temper grows shorter and treating people around him worst than before.

Other than that, when he fathered a daughter with a long time girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan at age 23, he not only denied his paternity, he famously trashed (throw) Brennan in public like he did not do anything to her. even tough he gained a lot of money from the company, not a single piece of money he give to her although Brennan has a financial problem.

Besides, Apple company had been fired him for his attitude. The company took 10 years to forgive him and bring him back to the company. Steve Jobs returning does not changed anything toward his attitude, he still bitter with what happened with what happened at Apple and even bitter toward his closest enemy, Bill Gates. 



Saturday 21 January 2012

brain function


What do you know about your brain? What is the function? This are some information that can relate to your brain and its function. firstly, our brain is come from inside of our body which is in our head. our brain can control many things like thinking, control our body functional, and control our mind else well. When our brain keep thinking, it will called critical thinking. what is critical thinking by the way? it is a thought process that considers both sides of equation before concluding something to be true. In critical literacy, we learn about left hemisphere and right hemisphere. before we move on to the other point, these are the definition of left and right hemisphere. 

Left brain hemisphere.
  • In tune with only one's very own concept of right and wrong as the basis of one's reality which is called an intrapersonal skills.
Right brain hemisphere.
  • Is emphatic to the other concept of right and wrong as the basis of one's reality which is called an interpersonal skills.
Besides that, when we combined our left brain thinking and right brain thinking, it will create a moment which is called an EUREKA moment or people often said as a synergistic or holistic moment.

for example:
  • When the first time you got your new hand phone, you do not know how to unlock it but at some time, your friend teach you how to unlock the hand phone and after that, you know how to unlock the hand phone. That moment is called an eureka moment.

videos of land diving in Vanuatu 

This is a land diving that practiced by the native people from Vanuatu. It is a ritual performed by a boy who are ready to become men.

Lets get back to our topic. This will what happen to the people who are using left brain hemisphere and right brain hemisphere. Both of it will have a different style of perception. These are the examples taken from the note given :

Left hemisphere analysis.
  • The tradition of land diving among the native of Vanuatu as a way to remove illness is appalling. Removing illness should be the least of their worries because jumping from a seven storey tower may end their lives completely.
Right hemisphere analysis.
  • For centuries the native of Vanuatu had been taught to take precautionary steps to ensure the safety of the jumper such as selecting the best vines and performing it only during the dry months. Besides, only the jumper who is fit and able, and granted permission by the elders, who can undertake this astonishing feat.
Land diving (Nangol) in Vanuatu is now one of the most famous activities around the world that being practice until now.

Vanuatu and the native people