Tuesday 31 January 2012



In our subject, Critical Literacy, COM 2533, we have learned about the rule of 10. We used this term in film review, read an article, and so on. there are 10 different types of rule that we must do in order to be more specific in doing research for example film review, article, etc. 

List of the rule of 10 : 
  1. topic
  2. content
  3. source
  4. audience
  5. rhetorical function
  6. purpose
  7. perspective
  8. positioning
  9. impact
  10. visual literacy
This rule is very important and you must add this when you are doing some research. I will explain the 4 rule which is the topic, content, source and audience.

  • THE TOPIC - we must done this first in order to fine another type of rule. in this rule, first we must include the genre (if you making a research on film review), for example if the film is about comedy, so the genre will be comedy. Then, we must introducing the subject which tells the whole story is about. after that, we also must definite position on the subject.
  • THE CONTENT - we tell the summary of the whole story. Usually, we used synopsis method which means the highlighted the point. Besides that, we can used the thematic method which are the overview of the main idea. 
  • THE SOURCE - we have 3 options in writing the source which is the work, the author and the subject matter. first, the work which is you write about the bigger or the larger work of the film, you write about the story it self. Then, the author, we can write about the background of the author which are the creator of the film, article. Lastly, we can used the subject matter. for example, in the Jeff Goodell article, Jeff Goodell write about Steve Jobs. the subject matter in the article is about Steve Jobs.
  • THE AUDIENCE - the meaning of the audience is the two interaction between two people which are the sender and the receiver. we have 3 different types of audience which are the youth, the citizens and the politicians. 

Later, i will explain again another 6 rule in the rule of 10. Remember, please do this rule in order to do some research.

COM 2533

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