Friday 10 February 2012


We all know about Adolf Hitler and the Jews. The cruelty shows by the great leader, Adolf Hitler to the Jews was one of the kind. The whole world were shock by Hitler's action. "Kill them all! even the mother, child, son or daughter, everything!", that was he said to his soldier or known as The Nazi. 


Adolf Hitler is a great leader of all time. In 1934, he has rule all over the German. he is now has a full power to do anything. in April 1994, Hitler make his move by make anti-Semitic rhetoric helped the Nazis get elected, now they had the power to put some of their ideas into action. Jews were banished from government jobs, a quota was established banning Jews from university, and a boycott of Jewish shops enacted.

Intermarriage was outlawed, more professions were closed to Jews, shops displayed signs reading, "No Jews Allowed." Harassment was common.In another attempt to purge Germany of her Jews, a roundup of Jews with Polish citizenship was enacted in October 1938. These Polish Jews were herded like cattle and dumped at the Polish border, where the Poles kept them in no-man's land. When he heard of the torments his parents went through, he resolved to avenge them and shot a German official, vom Rath, stationed in Paris. This small rebellion was a perfect opportunity for Adolf Hitler and his henchmen to rise up in indignation. The Nazis called for demonstrations, and violence erupted across Germany for two days. Stores were destroyed, synagogues burned, and twenty thousand Jews arrested. 

Adolf Hitler had always been straightforward about his plans for the Jews. His dream of a racially "pure" empire would tolerate no Jews. He announced at different occasions the "annihilation of the Jews" living in the territory under his control. With these statements Hitler threatened to use the Jews as hostages to prevent the Western powers from intervening on the continent.

Hitler avoided giving a clear written order to exterminate Jewish civilians. He avoided speaking openly about killing in his entourage. However, there is clear evidence that he was deeply involved in the anti-Jewish policy during the war, particularly when it reached a murderous stage. In general, Hitler's comments on the Jewish question reveal his essential commitment to radicalise persecution to the extreme.

" i left certain of the Jews alive so that all of you will know their true attitude and you will know why i kill them" - ADOLF HITLER